E-MOB (PGI06133) Interreg Europe projekt
The Interreg Europe Programme aims at supporting the Cohesion Policy of the European Union by professional activities which contribute to the Operational Programmes and other policy instruments.
In the first three years the project partners review the developments relating to the selected sector, identifying good practices in the region and analysing the ways to contribute to the targeted policy instruments. The work carried out together will be summarized by each partner in an Action Plan, which suggests specific measures to the Managing Authorities of each policy instrument. These measures can be diverse: replication of best practices in the given region/country, offering new financial instruments, proposals for amendments of call for proposals and/or their monitoring, or encouraging the implementation of pilot projects.
The aim of E-MOB project is to improve the policy instruments related to regional passenger transport systems in order to increase the share of e-mobility through international exchange of experience and by assisting the work of IKOP IH. The project is based on two pillars which contribute to the work of the Operational Programme by sharing relevant professional information and good practices:
- interregional exchange of experience, analysing the strengths and good practices of partner regions through study visits organized with the participation of internationally recognized experts;
- intraregional learning and action planning, building on the experience gained from the past, involving local stakeholders (transport companies, municipalities, professional bodies, electricity suppliers and distributors, IKOP IH).
Project duration: 4 years (Phase 1 is 36 months, Phase 2 is 12 months long), 01/08/2019 to 30/07/2023.
Lead Partner:
- Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH (DE)
- Paksi Közlekedési Kft.
- Amiens Métropole (FR)
- City of Koprivnica (HR)
- Western Macedonia University of Applied Sciences (TEIWM) (GR)
- Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences (AT)
- Alba LocalEnergy Agency- ALEA (RO)
- Municipality of Cieza (ES)
- University North (HR)
Total budget of the Project: EUR 1,535,195 EUR, of which the budget of Paksi Közlekedési Kft. amounts to EUR 120,850.
Calls for Proposals for the E-MOB Project
Status | Description | Annex | Date of Publication (dd.mm.yyyy) | Date of Submission Deadline (dd.mm.yyyy) |
EXPIRED | A Paksi Közlekedési Kft. mint Ajánlatkérő könnyített beszerzési eljárást indított "Stakeholder meetingek megszervezése az Interreg Europe E-MOB PGI06133 projekt kapcsán" címen. Az Ajánlatkérő az ajánlati felhívást és mellékleteit három Ajánlattevő részére közvetlenül küldte meg. Az eljárás nyertese fogja ellátni a projekthez kapcsolódó stakeholder meetingek szervezését és a kapcsolódó adminisztrációs feladatokat. | Documentation Task Description | 10.02.2022 | 17.02.2022 |
EXPIRED | A Paksi Közlekedési Kft. mint Ajánlatkérő könnyített beszerzési eljárást indított Interreg Europe E-MOB PGI06133 azonosítószámú projekthez kapcsolódó Akcióterv elkészítése címen. Az Ajánlatkérő az ajánlati felhívást és mellékleteit három Ajánlattevő részére közvetlenül küldte meg. Az eljárás nyertese fogja ellátni a projekthez kapcsolódó Akcióterv elkészítését, közreműködve az IKOP Irányító Hatóságával. | Documentation Task Description | 09.02.2022 | 16.02.2022 |
EXPIRED | Paksi Közlekedési Kft., as the Contracting Entity, has launched a streamlined procurement procedure under the title “Performance of Project Management Tasks in the E-MOB PGI06133 Interreg Europe Tender”. The Contracting Entity sent the invitation to tender and its annexes directly to three Tenderers. The winner of the tender procedure will perform the project management tasks related to E-MOB Project. | Documentation | 18.01.2021 | 15.01.2021 (extended until 27.01.2021) |
More information on E-MOB Project:
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/interregemob/
LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/interreg-e-mob/?viewAsMember=true
Official E-MOB website: https://www.interregeurope.eu/e-mob/news/
Articles related to E-MOB Project:
Press release
The Interreg Europe project E-MOB is hosting a high-profile dissemination event titled “The Interreg Europe project E-MOB is hosting a high-profile dissemination event titled“, which will take place in Sibiu, Romania on May 11th, 2023. The event will bring together […]
The first phase of E-MOB is coming to an end
The first phase of E-MOB ends on the 31st. This three years period supported exchange of experience between the international partners and focused on mutual learning. This manifested in Action Plans devised by each partners that describe how the chosen […]
Action planning of the E-MOB project – with an outlook to the eBussed project
On July 22, 2022, a stakeholder discussion of the E-MOB Interreg Europe project took place online under the title “Action planning within the framework of the E-MOB project”. The focus of the discussion was the E-MOB action plan drawn up […]
Marosvásárhely electric bus developments
On July 20, 2022, a stakeholder discussion of the E-MOB Interreg Europe project took place online under the title “Electromobility without borders”. The focus of the meeting was a round table discussion, which dealt with the low-emission public transport developments […]
Final meeting of the first phase of the E-MOB project
Each partner briefly presented their action plan and preparedness for the second phase of the project, which will begin in the seventh semester of the project, i.e., from 01.08.2022. Also, the E-MOB: Lessons Learnt Guideline publication was presented. That guideline […]
Stakeholder meeting of the E-MOB project – 27. June 2022.
On June 27, 2022, the new premises of Paksi Közlekedési Kft. (Paks Transport Ltd.) hosted the E-MOB stakeholder event, which was attended by nearly 30 professionals and those interested in the topic. The main developments of the E-MOB project in […]
Project E-MOB – upcoming stakeholder meetings
One of the key elements of the Interreg Europe Programme and therefore the E-MOB project is disseminating project information among the stakeholder group: transport companies, municipalities, professional organizations, ministries to induce an exchange between the parties about the project topic, […]
Electric transport, renewable energy – smart network elements in the developments of the period 2021-2027
On May 11, 2022, the stakeholder and information event of the E-MOB Interreg Europe project entitled “Electric transport, renewable energy – smart network elements in the developments of the period 2021-2027” took place online. The aim of the event was […]
Interregional outlook on e-mobility – E-MOB Guidelines in the works!
Numerous topics regarding e-mobility had been explored by the partnership during the three years of joint activities in project E-MOB . This publication is a comprehensive summary of what e-mobility is, what EU-level strategies, policies, sectoral perspectives should be considered […]
What can Interreg Europe projects achieve – Action Plans in a nutshell
Supporting exchange of experience between European regions is the primary goal of project E-MOB. The partnership, as demonstrated by Paks Transportation Ltd. on the 10th December 2020 during the 3rd Peer Review, showcase their experiences in terms electric transportation, electrical […]