Paksi Közlekedési Kft. complies with the requirements set forth in Act CXII of 2011 On Informational Self-determination and Freedom of Information applicable to it, in the form as provided for in Decree No. 18/2005 (XII. 27.) IHM, as follows.

Access to the Single Public Information Retrieval System as the central electronic list of public information:

In order to request data of public interest, please use our Company's standard form of application for public information provided for that purpose. The form, duly completed, should be filed to the address available in Information Concerning Activities and Operation.

Közzétételi főkategóriák

A vonatkozó hatályos jogszabályok szerint kötelezően közzéteendő adatok az alábbi három főkategóriába rendezve tekinthetőek meg.