Közzétételi főkategóriák

A vonatkozó hatályos jogszabályok szerint kötelezően közzéteendő adatok az alábbi három főkategóriába rendezve tekinthetőek meg.

 Data NameDisclosure or Availability
1.Full existing text of the pieces of basic legislation laying down the tasks, scope of competence and core activities of the Entity with a public service mission, public law regulatory instruments, Rules for Organization and Operation or Rules of Procedure, Privacy and Data Security PolicyTasks, competence and core activities of Paksi Közlekedési Kft. are basically set out in Chapter VI/B of Municipal Decree No. 3/2013 (II. 26.) on the Management of Municipal Property adopted by the Municipal Council of the City of Paks.

2021. január 26-án kelt Közszolgáltatási Szerződés (archív)

A Közszolgáltatási Szerződés 2021. február 4-én kelt 1. sz. módosítása (archív)

2023. augusztus 31-én kelt, a módosításokkal egységes szerkezetbe foglalt Közszolgáltatási Szerződés (jelenleg érvényes)

Rules for Organization and Operation (RO&O)

Privacy Policy
2.In the case of bodies of national competence, Government Office of Budapest and County Government Offices, information material, in both Hungarian and English, on the tasks and activities performed by the Entity with a public service missionNot relevant/not applicable to the Company.
3.Voluntary responsibilities of the MunicipalityNot relevant/not applicable to the Company.
4.In state administrative, municipality and other official matters, the name of the competent body by type of case and procedure. In the event of transfer of competence, the name of the de facto acting body and its area of competence. Identification of the documents, deeds, procedural fees (administrative service fees) required for administrative procedures; basic procedural rules, arrangements (time and place) for the submission of the document instituting the proceedings, customer consultation hours, administrative deadlines (handling times, time limit for appeal), administrative guides, information concerning the administrative procedures and downloadable forms required for good administration, access to available electronic programmes, appointment reservations, list of legislations related to case types, information on the customer’s rights and obligationsNot relevant/not applicable to the Company.
5.Name and content of the public services provided by, or financed from the budget of, the Entity with a public service mission, rules for the use of public services, amounts payable as compensation for public services, and deductions thereonBusiness Policy of Paksi Közlekedési Kft. valid from 01.09.2023

Business Policy of Paksi Közlekedési Kft. valid from 01.02.2021
6.Descriptive data of the databases and registers maintained by the Entity with a public service mission (name, format, purpose, legal basis and duration of data processing, the scope of data subjects, source of data, the questionnaire to fill in for questionnaire-based data collection), identification data as per the relevant Act for records to be reported to the data protection register; the types of data collected and processed by the Entity with a public service mission within the framework of its core business, the mode of access and the cost of making copiesNo such data is currently available
7.Titles and subjects of the publicly available publications of the Entity with a public service mission, the mode of access, free availability of the publication or the rate of reimbursementThe Timetable of Paksi Közlekedési Kft. valid from 01.09.2023. until revoked. The free publication van be downloaded from the Timetable page of our website.
8.Decision-shaping policy of the collective body, ways of citizen participation in the decision-making process (commenting); rules of procedure, the place and dates of, and public access to, its meetings, decisions adopted at the meetings, meeting minutes and summaries, voting details if not restricted by lawNot relevant/not applicable to the Company.
9.Draft legislation and related documents to be published under the relevant act; proposals submitted to the public meetings of the local Municipal Council by the date of submissionNot relevant/not applicable to the Company.
10.Announcements and communications published by the Entity with a public service missionwww.paksbusz.hu
11.Professional description of the tenders announced by the Entity with a public service mission; outcome of tenders with justificationNot relevant/not applicable to the Company.
12.Public findings of inspections and audits conducted at the Entity with a public service mission in connection with its core businessNo such data is currently available
13.Procedure for handling requests for access to data and information of public interest, name and contact details of the competent or designated organizational unit, name of the data protection officer or person in charge of dealing with information rightsPublic data are published via the interface accessible under the domain name paksbusz.hu managed by Paksi Közlekedési Kft., on the pages under  About Us / Public Information menu item.

Paksi Közlekedési Kft’s Rules of the disclosure of public information or information of public interest and the fulfilment of data access requirements

Contact details for submitting requests for access to data and information of public:
Paksi Közlekedési Kft.
Tamás Tavi, executive director
Addres: H-7030, Dózsa György út 55-61., Paks
email: [email protected]
14.Results of statutory statistical data collection concerning the activities performed by the Entity with a public service mission, and changes in the results over timeNo such data is currently available
15.Data relating to the mandatory statistical reporting requirements for data and information of public interest in respect of the EntityNo such data is currently available
16.List of contracts for the exploitation of data and information of public interest, to which the Entity with a public service mission is a contracting partyNot relevant/not applicable to the Company.
17.General terms and conditions for the use and utilization of data and information of public interest managed by the Entity with a public service missionNot relevant/not applicable to the Company.
18.Specific and individual disclosure list for the Entity with a public service missionData according to Section 2 of Act CXXII of 2009 (Austerity Act)
19.List of public cultural data held by the Entity with a public service mission and available for re-use under the Act on the Re-use of Public Sector Information, indicating the formats available, and information on the types of public data that are managed by the Entity and can be re-used according to the Act on the Re-use of Public Sector Information, indicating the formats availableNot relevant/not applicable to the Company.
20.Electronically editable version of the general terms and conditions for the re-use of public data and public cultural data under line 19Not relevant/not applicable to the Company.
21.General list of fees payable for the provision of public data and public cultural data as per line 19 for re-use, along with the underlying factors for fee calculationsNot relevant/not applicable to the Company.
22.Options for legal remedy under the Act on the Re-use of Public Sector InformationNot relevant/not applicable to the Company.
23.Indication of the contracting parties to the agreements concluded by the Entity with a public service mission to grant exclusive rights, indicating the duration and subject matter of such exclusivity and other essential elements of the agreementsNot relevant/not applicable to the Company.
24.Text of agreements concluded by the Entity with a public service mission to grant an exclusive right to digitize public cultural data under the Act on the Re-use of Public Sector InformationNot relevant/not applicable to the Company.
25.Legislative items, public law regulatory instruments, public service contracts or any other legally binding document (or reference to its availability) under the Act on the Re-use of Public Sector Information that require the Entity with a public service mission to cover a significant part of the costs of collecting, producing, processing and disseminating public data that may be made available for re-useNot relevant/not applicable to the Company.